Not a Fairy: The development of Sharded


This intro sort of came about as side-product of my preperations for the Byte Battles at Lovebyte Battlegrounds in 2021.

The general idea was to get a 3D rotating groundplane and i figured that instead of making it a plasma-type landscape, I would use a binary logic operations for the height, expecting to get some 'smaller planes' at different heights. What I got was this 3D Sirpinski Fractal Object!

After its initial release, the intro got eventual ported to PICO-8 and MicroW8 as part of our effort to port over our older Fantasy Console intros to the different platforms.


To get our '3D' fractal shape, its really a very simple 4 step process, which I will explain using pseudo code. Feel free to implement this in the language and/or on the platform of your choice.

Step 1:

We'll start by drawing a grid of N by N points around the center of our screen:

for y=-15,15 do for x=-15,15 do
color = x^y
circle(xx*scale+centerx, yy*scale+centery, 1, color)
end end

Step 2:

We'll be rotating these points around their center point with a default 2D rotation:

for y=-15,15 do for x=-15,15 do
color = x^y
circle(xx*scale+centerx, yy*scale+centery, 1, color)
end end

Step 3:

We'll add some fake perspective by flattening the vertical scaling (scale/4):

for y=-15,15 do for x=-15,15 do
color = x^y
circle(xx*scale+centerx, yy*scale/4+centery, 1, color)
end end

Step 4:

From here, all we need to do is subtract some height from the y-position. In our case we'll be using a XOR-pattern, but you can ofcourse use any height formula for your desired shape.

for y=-15,15 do for x=-15,15 do
height = (x^y)*2
color = x^y
circle(xx*scale+centerx, yy*scale/4-height+centery, 1, color)
end end

From here you can add some depth coloring, scaling and/or circle-sizing as needed, and thats really all that is to it.


So to help people with exploring different platforms, I've decided to share the sourcecode for the original Sharded, as well as its PICO-8 and MicroW8 ports here:

TIC-80 Version:

t=0TIC=load'cls()t=t+.03 for a=-31,31 do for s=-31,31 do i=s*math.sin(t-11)+a*math.sin(t)circ((a*math.sin(t-11)-s*math.sin(t))*math.sin(t/9)*9+120,(i-(a//1~s//1))*math.sin(t/9)*9+31,math.sin(t/9)*i/4,i/9)end end'

PICO-8 Version:

::f::cls()n=t()/9s=sin(n)c=cos(n)z=s+3for o=0,960do u=o%31-15v=o/31-15pset(u*c-v*s*z+64,(u^^v)+v*c+u*s*z+64,u/6)end flip()goto f

MicroW8 Version:

export fn upd() {
let inline t: f32 = time();
let inline ss: f32 = sin(t/9 as f32);
let v: i32 = -31;
loop vloop {
let u: i32 = -31;
loop uloop {
let inline scale = ss*9 as f32;
let inline x = (u as f32 * cos(t) - v as f32 * sin(t));
let inline y = (v as f32 * cos(t) + u as f32 * sin(t));
circle(x*scale + 160 as f32, (y-(u^v) as f32)*scale + 63 as f32, ss*y/8_f, -(y/5 as f32) as i32 -32);
branch_if (u:=u+1)<31 : uloop;
branch_if (v:=v+1)<31 : vloop;


I remember Lovebyte Battlegrounds was quite hectic to organise as I was also participating in the Byte Battles in between compos, but I had great fun!

I'm grateful for the experience for the intensity of these byte battle matches that allowed me to get extremely comfortable with on-the-spot TIC-80 livecoding, as well as providing us with this intro a byproduct! I still think that its a nice little intro for its size.

For more information, you can check out the intro and its subsequent ports right here

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