Mini writeups for Wanderlust and Max8room


In june 2021, after seeing the interest at Lovebyte 2021, Demozoo decided to add dedicated 8 and 16 byte intro categories to its website and database. To celebrate this occasion, I decided to release an intro for each of those categories.

Here are the mini writeups for both of them.

Wanderlust (16 Bytes, DOS):

I've had the personal goal of trying to get decent enough looking parallax moving plane working in 16 bytes for a while. After several attempts using different methods (like using the remainder part of division,etc.) I finally succeeded using the increasing carry overflow approach.

The archive includes 3 versions of the same effect with different and masks for coloring (red/grey (0x1c) . blue/grey (25) and whitepink/dark (0xd0) ) .


les bx,[bx] ; 6b of mandatory setup
mov al,13h
int 10h
and al,0xd0 ; 'wasting' 2 bytes to on coloring
stosb ; double stosb to compensate
stosb ; for quick overflow
sbb bx,di ; generate inverse increasing carryoverflow
adc ax,cx ; cycle color on carry (cx=0xff at startup)
jmp frameloop ; 2 more mandatory bytes

Max8room (8 Bytes, DOS):

This intro is basically a variant of 'diagonal moving patterns' using the xlat flip-flop mechanism (AL=BX[AL]) that I discovered for the 8byte bytelove moving hearts intro at the Lovebyte 8 byte showcase earlier this year.

I really liked the colors and spacing on this one, created by the use of SCASW and AAS for correcting the 'color/character' index. A big thanks to Sensenstahl for suggesting the title (as the coloring and shape reminded him of the old Max Headroom segments)


les ax,[si]
jmp frameloop


For more information, you can check out the 8 Byte Intro and 16 Byte Intro categories over at Demozoo.

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